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Our team of expert engineers has answers. From tolerances and flow rates, to material compatibility and more, we specialize in providing both standard and customized solutions to meet the requirements of your toughest applications.
There’s a lot happening in the world of connectors and even more being put into our connection solutions. Learn how the industry is benefiting from connection technology from CPC.
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Validation reports contain relevant information on how the product has been validated to provide confidence at every point of connection
CPC Extractable Reports provided detailed information on extractable testing performed for CPC connectors. Tests follow Biophorum Operations Group (BPOG) standards. Learn more about extractables testing on single-use connectors.
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3/8 Hose Barb Non-Valved Coupling Insert
1/2 Hose Barb Non-Valved Coupling Insert
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1-1/2 Sanitary Non-Valved MPX Coupling Insert
3/4 Sanitary Non-Valved MPX Coupling Insert