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    See iMAR Products

    IdentiQuik® 多天线射频通信器 (MAR) 提供了一种方便且经济的解决方案,可避免多线环境中的错误连接。 MAR 旨在处理多达八个流体连接,消除了更大的、独立的射频通信器,从而降低了系统设计的冗余和复杂性。 与所有支持 RF 的 IdentiQuik 产品一样,MAR 使控制、保护和简化流体处理过程变得更加容易和高效。 MAR 与所有 PLC12 面板安装主体和 PLC12 系列支持 RFID 的插嘴兼容。


    Features Benefits
    Palm-sized reader with one USB supporting up to eight fluid lines Simplifies design integration by eliminating larger, individual RF-enabled communicators
    Transfer of fluid and information for each flow path Identifies device types or connected media, verifies line connection and captures fluid and product data
    Modular, detachable configurations per fluid line Meets specifications for cables, coupling type,  length, size and environment

