Biopharma’s Sr. Product Manager Michael Francis answers frequently asked questions from customers regarding the color coding of AseptiQuik® sterile connectors, which is part of the overall process flexibility supported by CPC solutions.

Q: White? Blue? Purple? What do these colors mean on AseptiQuik sterile connectors?
A: This is a question we hear a lot. To explain the topic, I’ll use our AseptiQuik G (AQG) connectors as the example because the AQG line is familiar to many users in Biopharma.
At a high level, the AQG tab colors—blue, white and purple—symbolize the type of polymer used in the flow path and also sterilization capabilities. But before I define the color coding further, it’s useful to understand baseline configuration flexibility using AseptiQuik connectors.
In the case of AQG, the connectors are genderless, avoiding male-to-female connectivity issues. Also, any AQG connector can connect with any other AQG connector, which is true of all AseptiQuik connectors—they can connect to other connectors within the same product family. Lastly, AQG connectors are centered around 1/2" flow path, but many terminations exist to allow for connectivity to 1/4"- 3/4" tubing with tri-clamp options.
Q: So your connectors can essentially reduce a 3/4" tube to a 1/2" flow path?
A: Yes. The connector design facilitates scale up and down of different flow path sizes. All AseptiQuik lines offer this flexibility. Any AQS will connect to any AQS, any AQL to AQL, and any AQW to AQW, and so on.
Q: Understanding the configuration options, back to the color question. What do the various colors on the connectors’ pull tabs mean?
A: Blue, CPC’s main brand color, was applied to our first sterile connector in 2009. Blue represents our primary AseptiQuik sterile connector portfolio—and everything that goes with these products.
Blue AQG connectors offer all AQG termination options, extensive validation and extractables testing, and a robust sterile connection. They are constructed from polycarbonate and silicone, and validated for gamma irradiation with a polyethylene sterile barrier. Again, any blue AQG will connect with another AQG, including white or purple tab options.
Q: What do the white AQG pull tabs signify?
A: “White HOT” is a good way to remember what white means. White-tab AQGs can be autoclaved up to 130°C for 60 minutes. This capability is nestled into its unique polyethersulfone sterile barrier component. This product is also validated for gamma radiation, so you have the flexibility of sterilizing either through autoclaving or irradiation
The white AQGs feature the same polycarbonate and silicone flow path materials as the blue-tab AQGs.
Q: It is okay to connect a bioreactor using a blue-tab AQG to a sensor system with a white-tab AQG?
A: Yes, you can connect white to blue, and both of these will connect to the purple AQG. Any AQG can seamlessly connect to another AQG.
Q: How does the purple-tab AQG differ from other options?
A: The purple-tab AQG utilizes the same silicone as the other two connector styles and the same polyethylene membrane as the blue-tab AQG; however, the main flow path in a purple AQG is polyphenylsulfone (PPSU).
PPSU is a high-performance polymer designed for chemical compatibility with the many chemicals used in biopharma processing. CPC has tested PPSU in common biopharma chemicals with pH levels ranging from 1 to 13 with full passing results. PPSU also supports durability because it is shatter resistant.
Q: Say there is a purple-tab AQG on the chromatography column and a blue AQG on the flush line, can they connect without issue?
A: Yes. It’s no problem connecting those AQGs, which will keep the process flowing with a completed sterile connection.
Figure 1. CPC Bio Color tab guide.

*Part numbers in table above are examples. See the Biopharma product catalog for a full listing of part numbers.
Bottom line: All of these connector types are interconnectable, helping deliver the flexibility, speed and ease bioprocessors want. Contact us to discuss ideas for improving process flexibility or to schedule a demonstration.