Big Change Starts Small with MicroCNX Nano Sterile Connectors

Introducing the world's smallest sterile connector for cell and gene therapy applications. The MicroCNX Nano has the smallest flow path to move cells efficiently, with minimal turbulence and helps reduce holdup volume.
MicroCNX sterile connectors are THE connection solution for advanced therapies.

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Big Change Starts Small with MicroCNX Nano Sterile Connectors
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    Now entering the age of the MicroCNX® connectors


    MicroCNX sterile connectors are proven to deliver flexibility, ease of use, less downtime and increased reliability and cost efficiencies, which can make them a better choice for system designers and processors.

    • Icon 4 x faster than Tube Welding
    • Icon 80% Labor Cost Savings
    • Icon No need for: Extra floor space; Equipment maintenance; or additional tools and materials

    What are MicroCNX® Series Connectors?

    The small-format MicroCNX series connectors increase process design flexibility by integrating with different tubing sizes and materials. Their robust design, including innovative valves and genderless format, provides uncompromising reliability. Aseptic MicroCNX connectors help manufacturers be more efficient, reduce time, lower total costs and mitigate risk.

    A Simpler, More Consistent Solution

    MicroCNX helps reduce risk when making small format connections.

    • Icon 1. No risk of a faulty weld
    • Icon 2. No risk of tube mismatch
    • Icon 3. No production delays due to the weld equipment downtime
    • Icon 4. No risk of equipment breaking down
    • Icon 5. No risk of tripping over the tube welder card or electrical cord

    The Connector for Cell and Gene Therapy

    The MicroCNX® was the first of its kind to eliminate the need for cumbersome tube welding to make sterile closed connections of small-bore tubing. The series includes:

    1. MicroCNX® series connectors – standard version
      THE first aseptic, single-use connector on the market for small-format tubing, and the most efficient alternative to tube welding.
    2. MicroCNX® ULT
      THE connectors solution for cryogenic freezing applications.
    3. MicroCNX® Nano
      The smallest aseptic connector on the market for CGT ensuring a fit into any freezing cassette used in CGT processing​
    4. MicroCNX Luer
      THE connector solution to move assemblies outside of the biosafety cabinet.

    Find Out what MicroCNX Connector is Right for You

    Find out what MicroCNX Connector is right for you

    Check Out the Complete Line of CPC MicroCNX Sterile Micro-Connectors


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