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CPC Extractable Reports provided detailed information on extractable testing performed for CPC connectors. Tests follow Biophorum Operations Group (BPOG) standards. Learn more about extractables testing on single-use connectors.
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September 14, 2023
It’s well known that poorly designed thermal management systems can result in suboptimal performance or system failure. What isn’t as well understood are the material properties and myriad calculations that all need to be taken into consideration when developing a high-performing liquid cooling system -- or the role that quick disconnects play in supporting reliability, uptime, ease of maintenance and system performance. It’s complicated but it doesn’t need to be confusing.
CPC’s Application Engineering Manager, Andres Abraham provides tips and insights that will help engineers understand which types of quick disconnects (and other components) are suited for liquid cooling systems. And he will describe how fluid selection decisions should impact the specification of subcomponents in connectors and other system parts in the wetted loop.
Andres Abraham Applications Engineering Manager - Thermal CPC (Colder Products Company)
Attendees will learn: