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    Tube welders versus aseptic connectors

    Tube welding versus using aseptic connectors—as with any debate, there are strong opinions on both sides. As the makers of industry-leading aseptic connectors we’re obviously a little biased, but please, hear us out…

    Many believe that tube welders offer lower costs. But what isn’t accounted for are the hidden costs of tube welding in terms of considerable man hours, processing down-time and the cost of the welder and its upkeep. If you add those factors into the equation, aseptic connectors are clearly a more economical choice.

    There are other factors that tip the scale in favor of aseptic connectors including:

    System flexibility: Aseptic connectors offer you the ability to connect different types and sizes of tubes, something that’s not possible with a tube welder.

    Capital costs: A tube welder and the necessary ancillary equipment can easily reach tens of thousands of dollars. Multiply that by the number of clean rooms at your facility and your initial cost can be daunting. There are no capital costs associated with aseptic connectors.

    Contamination risks: If the operator of the tube welder does not follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, there is an increased risk of contamination. Whereas, validated aseptic connectors maintain a sterile border between two adjoining single-use systems, assuring you of a contamination-free connection.

    Staff training: Operators of tube welders require training to ensure proper technique. Poorly trained operators are more likely to cause contamination. Aseptic connectors require minimal operator training.

    Materials considerations: With aseptic connectors you have the ability to work with any length of tubing, connect varying tubing materials and hose barb sizes, and with genderless connectors you don’t need to carry male/female parts. Tube welders generally can only connect identical tubing.

    Want to learn more? For a comprehensive comparison of tube welders and aseptic connectors, we invite you to download our comparison guide.

    If you have any further questions about CPC aseptic connectors for bioprocessing, please complete the form to connect with a CPC engineer.

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    Todd Andrews

    Global Sales and Business Development Manager, Bioprocessing

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