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    Maintaining Sterility Through CGT Processing and Cryopreservation

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    Cryopreservation in cell therapy and gene therapy (CGT) manufacturing is critical to maintaining product integrity. The components used in CGT aseptic processing now must be able to withstand temperatures of -130°C and lower, and also the freeze-thaw cycles associated with processing, transportation, and administration to patients.

    The CGT industry is moving toward applying biopharmaceutical best practices in a way that meets CGT requirements. This white paper covers key issues in CGT processing including:

    • How to improve efficiency in aseptic processing
    • Key factors to consider when CGT products are exposed to ultralow temperatures
    • What to look for in sterile processing components to ensure they can function appropriately through freeze-thaw cycles

    Learn more about ways to support CGT product viability while streamlining processes, reducing risks and protecting yields by viewing or downloading the white paper button to the right.

    CPC set the industry standard for sterile connection technologies with its AseptiQuik® G Series. It now offers the first aseptic connector solutions designed specifically for cryopreservation in CGT applications, the MicroCNX® ULT Series.